
Posts Tagged ‘USGS’

Parsing USGS BIL Digital Elevation Models in Python

A false colour elevation map of the Hawaiian island of Kahoolawe

The USGS have a digital elevation model covering most of the US, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. If you use the National Map Seamless Server it’s possible to select a region and download a digital elevation model in a number of formats. One of these, BIL, is a simple binary raster file, which can be read quite easily in Python – in this, I’ll base this on code from a previous post.

Getting the data

  • Go to National Map Seamless Server
  • The map is fairly intuitive, but if you get stuck check out their tutorial
  • When you use the download rectangle tool, make sure to click on “Modify data request” and choose the BIL data format (BIL_INT16) rather than the default “Arc_GIS”
  • Choose zip or TGZ
  • You’ll then download a compressed archive – may take a while
  • The archive contains lots of files; look at the contents of output_parameters.txt. This tells you the dimensions of the file. Make a note of the sizes.
  • Extract the .bil file – this is what has the raw data.

Extracting the binary elevation data from the BIL file

# USGS Seamless Server BIL Format Parser

import struct

# get these from the output_parameters.txt file
# included in the download

# where you put the extracted BIL file

# unpack binary data into a flat tuple z
s="<%dH" % (int(width*height),)
z=struct.unpack(s, contents)

After running this, z is now a tuple of width*height elements, with data stored in raster order (entries in row 1 from left-to-right, then row 2 from left-to-right, and so on)

The struct module for reading binary data

struct is a fantastic Python library, it really makes reading binary files pretty easy. Say we have a raster-layout binary file of 50 rows by 100 values per row. We’d expect 5000 values. Each value is an unsigned short (H) and little-endian (<)

In this case, we build up a format specification like this

Plotting the end result

And optionally, if you have matplotlib and numpy libraries, you can get a quick preview of the resulting array.

from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import as cm

heights = np.zeros((height,width))
for r in range(0,height):
    for c in range(0,width):
        if (elevation==65535 or elevation<0 or elevation>20000):
            # may not be needed depending on format, and the "magic number"
            # value used for 'void' or missing data
imshow(heights, interpolation='bilinear',cmap=cm.prism,alpha=1.0)